January 8th 2016: update
Update |
So my adventure for 2016 is to be more consistent with my writing and blogging than I have been in 2015. Since last year wasn’t a very productive year for me personally that shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. I’m not saying 2015 was entirely unproductive. I did quite a lot of stuff for others which benefits me also but progress on my own stories has been slow and my blog archive for 2015 is dismal when compared to the archive of 2014.
I guess you could say I need to remind myself to stay committed to writing my own stuff even if it isn’t making me any money. I think the hardest part will be trying to find relevant topics to write about on a regular basis. I’ll be on the lookout for anything that may be worthwhile.
Having said that, I recently stumbled across something that I wanted to share with you. I love reading a lot and I think everybody could get something from reading. However, for people with dyslexia it can be a chore.
Now you may have already heard about the Dyslexie font. It’s a font created by a dyslectic designer who wanted letters to be more distinct so they’d be easier to read and type. The really cool part about this is that it not only works (well a friend of mine is dyslexic and she said it really is easier reading this font) but for
Businesses and educational institutions are expected to pay for use of the font but that seems pretty fair wouldn’t you say? Keep in mind you can only install the font on one device so if there are multiple people with dyslexia in one household they’ll need to share…
A neat feature is the ability to install the font as your default font in the Firefox browser. The manual talks you through it so you shouldn't run into too many problems there. If you’re using Chrome, there’s a free extension in the Chrome app store. You can toggle it on or off which is useful if you’re sharing a device with someone who isn’t dyslexic. This extension was last updated in July 2013 so it's either really robust or it may become incompatible with future editions of Chrome (It was still functional on New Year's eve).
Incidentally Chrome also has 2 other extensions to make browsing more fun for people with dyslexia. There's OpenDyslexic which was updated at the end of the year. And there's Dyslexia Friendly which received its last update in july 2014.
Did you know this font existed and was freely available for private use? Have you tried it? I’m not dyslexic myself so I’m curious to know if it really works for everyone who has dyslexia or if it’s type specific. That’s all I have for this update. Let me know if this was useful advice or share some of your thoughts on the stories in the comment section below.
Till next time, Suhail.
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