Underneath The Tamarind Tree

Underneath The Tamarind Tree
Lina ran to tap the tree but she was too late. Omeira got there first ‘Buut Lina!’, she called. As the first to have been found Lina would have to search next. Omeira shot off to look for the others. Lina hung back and moved away from the tree. The afternoon heat was losing its sting. The sky burnt red as the sun stood low on the horizon. Lina moved away from the tree a bit more.

If mister Bakker had seen her, he probably would’ve laughed. Omeira’s Dutch father didn’t believe any of the island lore. But Lina couldn’t shake her grandmother’s lessons that easily. ‘Don’t pass beneath a Tamarind tree after dark’, had been drilled into her since she could walk. It didn’t matter that this particular one stood in Omeira’s backyard.

It was still a dangerous thing. Perhaps she could get out of the next game by saying she needed to get home before it got dark. Lina looked around. Omeira still had to find Elena, Eugenia and Theodora. She was headed to the far end of the yard to look behind the bushes surrounding the shed and the lemon tree.

The shadows in the backyard lengthened, making it harder to see. A sudden rattle of beads meant Theodora was on the move. She darted past Lina and slammed her hand into the tree yelling ‘Buut free’. While Theodora was doing a little happy dance to annoy Omeira, Lina kept glancing at the rapidly disappearing sun.

When finally Theodora danced her way out from under the Tamarind tree, Lina let out her breath. She wanted the game to end now but feared what the others would say if she broke it off. A streak of yellow suddenly burst from one of the bushes. Eugenia ran flat out to the tree. ‘Buut free!’, she slammed her hand on the bark and jumped back immediately.

She had her eye on the sun too. Like Lina, Eugenia spent most afternoons at her grandmother’s house. ‘You guys come on, the sun is going down!’, Eugenia called. She never seemed to bother much what others would think of her.

Elena darted from behind the shed with Omeira on her heels. They crossed the yard neck and neck. But when the sun dipped below the horizon Elena stopped. Her momentum made her trip. Elena fell on her hands and knees but she didn’t cry. She turned to check the light in the sky.

Omeira had reached the tree and touched it while calling out Elena’s name. ‘Get away from the tree!’, the three girls yelled as one. Omeira laughed, ‘Why are you being so silly? My dad says it’s just superstition.’ ‘Yeah well my gran says your dad is just too Dutch to understand.’, Eugenia retorted.

‘Your gran knows nothing about my dad!’, Omeira called back. ‘Can we just leave it till tomorrow? I have to go home.’, Lina said. She was eyeing the tree anxiously. Omeira crossed her arms. ‘Fine. Go if you want. I’m staying here ‘cause I'm going to stand underneath my tree for as long as I like.’ 

The last ray of light left the sky. As the stars sprung up, a dark shape dropped from the tree. The girls screamed and ran through the house while Omeira slumped to the ground.


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