Imagine: one of those days
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Imagine: one of those days |
Up until a few minutes
ago their Holiday Liner had been en route from Krithika, an
industrial colony, to Demyan. An agricultural planet that offered a
range of affordable family holidays. Things like living on a farm
for a week or going on long nature walks. The kind of family vacation
destination their company specialised in.
But now for some reason,
they were somewhere on the outskirts of the mapped universe. When
Theodore entered the staff room captain Thompson was already there.
She'd gotten the coffee going and was making tea.
Though the way she slammed the cupboard's doors told Theodore this was not going to be a nice little chat. “Easy on the doors there captain. If they fall off I'll have nothing to replace them with.”, he said. The captain turned around brusquely. She shot him an angry look and turned away again. Theodore took a seat at the table as his colleagues dripped in one by one.
Though the way she slammed the cupboard's doors told Theodore this was not going to be a nice little chat. “Easy on the doors there captain. If they fall off I'll have nothing to replace them with.”, he said. The captain turned around brusquely. She shot him an angry look and turned away again. Theodore took a seat at the table as his colleagues dripped in one by one.
Joe, the pilot, had the
air of a dog with his tail between his legs. He was followed by a
young fellow with a pale face and big roaming eyes. Theodore figured
this must be Andy, the substitute navigator. Aileen, the main
engineer, came in last with a face like thunder. She was in her
overalls and work boots. Theodore had seen her in an evening gown
once. He'd hated the overalls ever since.
“All right, now that
we're all here... Joe, Andy, why are we here?”, captain Thompson
had steel in her voice. Joe cleared his throat and leaned forward:
“Well, I uh, I didn't realise that we were flying with a new
navigator. So when I gave the jump coordinates, I told him the
shorthand code without explaining it.”, Joe's blue eyes were fixed
on the table.
The captain turned to
stare at Andy. His face flushed and he blinked a lot while stumbling
over his words, “I, eh, I forgot to double check the coordinates
with the pilot. I just, I entered the code thinking I had the full
coordinates and, but, well, it wasn't.” The miserable look on his
face made him seem very young though he had to be at least
“Right. So we jumped to
the wrong coordinates and then the jump drive broke down. Aileen?”
“Yes, captain. The jump drive broke down because I have been trying
to get spare parts for weeks now and management keeps telling me to
wait. You remember I asked you to put some pressure on them? Well,
they didn't listen. We're still waiting for those parts to be
“And you can't fix the
drive with what we have?”, the captain inquired. Aileen shook her
head. “Well Theo there you have it. We're stuck in an almost
deserted stretch of the universe and we've got passengers to
entertain. Do you think you can keep the masses happy while we sort
this out?”, the captain gave him a pleading look.
“I'll think of
something.”, he said. “Good. Now the situation may not be as bad
as it seems. We're near project New Day. As I understand it, there
are three ships out here to build a new spacestation. There is a
mining ship, a factory ship and one military vessel to serve as
protection for the other two. I'm pretty sure they'll be able to help
us with some supplies.”, the captain said.
“We could order the
spare parts from the factory ship. If they're this far out they have
to be making their own equipment.”, Aileen spoke quickly. “I'll
call their director, see what we can do. Any other ideas?”, the
captain looked around.
Theodore sat up straight:
“I'm just thinking out loud, but maybe, them being a factory ship,
maybe we could ask them to give us some guided tours. Most of the
passengers we have right now are from Krithika, an industrial planet.
I'm guessing they've never seen a space factory but I bet they'd
jump at the chance.”
“You think they could
take on five hundred passengers?”, the captain sounded sceptical.
“Well not everyone will want to go. We could try splitting them up.
If the mining ship can do a few tours as well, we can offer people a
choice and set up some sort of schedule.”, Theodore spoke with more
confidence now.
“It would keep our
passengers busy while we wait for Aileen to fix the jump drive. How
are we on supplies?”, the captain asked. “I've got emergency
rations for one day only so it depends on how long we're going to be
here.”, Theodore replied.
Aileen chewed her pale
pink lips and Theodore felt his stomach drop before she'd even said
anything. “If they have the parts in stock it's going to take three
days. Two if they'll give us an extra hand to get the work done.”,
she said with an apologetic shrug.
“Right, so we'll need
at least a full day's supply of food and water. How are we doing on
fuel?”, the captain frowned as she said this. “Fuel's good. I've
been stocking up our supplies ever since the jump drive went dodgy
and I couldn't get the parts.” Aileen seemed pleased with herself.
“You could have given
me a heads up about the need for extra supplies eh?”, Theodore had
to ask. “You haven't got the storage space for more than one day
and you always keep it full anyway.”, Aileen replied drily. The
look in her green eyes told Theodore this was not the time to pick a
“All right then. I'll
get in touch with the director. If he's willing to deal I'll let you
two know who to talk to. In the meantime, Theo I want you to submit a
damage report to headquarters along with an estimate of the credits
we're going to need to solve this. I'll call them myself as soon as
I've set you up with a contact on those ships.” With that, the meeting was over.
“Well, at least it
happened during the sleep hours. Man, Theo, when that artificial day
breaks I do not want to be in your shoes.”, Joe said. “You owe me
one Joe. The way I see it, this is your fault. If you'd given the
right coordinates we would've been stuck on our own route instead of
out here in the middle of nowhere.” Theodore wasn't kidding and he
saw that Joe understood.
Luckily the factory
director welcomed the extra income. Theodore had to explain to the
calamity manager that paying for these extra tours was the best way
to avoid complaints from people wanting their money back. It took
most of his diplomatic skills and all of his patience to finally get
her to agree.
In the end two hundred
passengers took a tour. Theodore monitored the five groups that
toured the factory. His instincts had been right. The passengers
knew what to ask and the guide loved explaining. It was all industrial robots this and automated assembly that and a lot of other things
he didn't really understand.
Meanwhile Arjina kept a
watchful eye over the five groups that roamed the mining ship. With
her glossy black hair and pristine uniform, Arjina always looked like
a lady. When she came back she said: “They all look the same. Now I
know why those dwarf tales say you can't tell the difference between
the males and the females. It's based on those miners right there.”
For the three hundred
people who chose to stay on board, Theodore had authorised his flight
attendants to offer a selection of the paid entertainment program for
free. He'd spend the first few hours after the passengers woke up
listening to their complaints. Offering the choice between a free
tour and free entertainment took the sting out of most conversations.
Aileen had charmed the
factory engineer out of two of his crew members. Together with Jack,
her assistant, it took the four of them a day and a half to finish
the repairs. They had worked non stop. It was clear Aileen's
knowledge and stamina had made a lasting impression on the factory
Theodore had never been
so happy to see Demyan before. The passengers who'd been waiting for
the Holiday Liner to take them home had been picked up two days
earlier by a back up ship. The captain arranged for the crew
to have a few days off before flying back again.
It was the first time
they got to stay over on Demyan. Theodore signed the entire crew up
for a hike through the woods. Arjina glared angrily at him from start
to finish. It made him glad he'd also planned for a cow cuddling
session at the end of the day. As foreseen, it put all of his flight attendants in a
much better mood.
And just like that, it
was over. Theodore was back in the storage room checking the
inventory being brought on board. He was finishing up when the
captain stopped by. She had a smile on her face as she stood in his
“You did some quick
thinking there Theo. I know you helped keep everyone calm by turning
a technical problem into a holiday adventure. Well done.”, she
said. Theodore smiled: “You know, I've been thinking, we could
include that sort of thing in our itinerary. Offer a little detour to
some of the pioneer projects in space for a few extra credits.”
The captain shook her
head: “Always the business man. You can send it in as a submission
to the employee competition this year. If you win they'll give you a
bonus and a return ticket for any of the company's destinations.”
ticket and credits to spend. Theodore could already see himself lying
on one of the beaches of Pili Lani. “That's not a bad idea captain.
Not bad at all.”
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