
Hello everyone,

Since it's been awhile since I posted anything I thought you might like a little update. I've been working on two things mostly. One is a story about Maiven and Kendrick. You might remember them as they were side characters mentioned in the story 'Imagine: being lost'.

Well as side characters sometimes do, these two stuck in my mind and started begging for their own story. It's a complicated one so I've been working on it for some time now. It involves visiting other worlds which is what makes it so complicating. World building can be a lot of work especially when you're dealing with multiple worlds governed by different rules and possibilities. 

I don't think I'll be putting it on the blog as it's gone beyond 10.000 words with just the first leg of the story told. But I have other options in mind for when it's finished. Either way, I'll let you know.

The other thing I've been working on is a short story for the blog! I have a rough draft finished so next week I'll be uploading for sure (unless the internet bails on me or some such thing).

This particular story started out as an idea over a year ago. I was aiming for a ghost story but got hopelessly stuck writing it. A few weeks ago I revived the story, deleted a paragraph and allowed it to wander off in a new direction. 

The new story turned into a bit of a fantasy mongrel to be quite honest. I mixed two types of fantasy but hopefully you won't mind. I guess most of my stories don't quite fit their genres but as long as you enjoy reading them, that's not a problem.

So thanks for keeping an eye on this blog and see you next week :)


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