
Decisions Dorinda lay sick in bed. Her hour was near. For days she had been seeing them. The dark beast ready to devour her and the light angel ready to welcome her. It would be a battle but not now. They each sat on a side of the bed, patiently waiting. 'How do I do this?', Dorinda thought desperately. No one could prepare you for this. 'If I were to say anything to the nurses or volunteers they'd think I was being delirious.' She remembered her grandmother. She had been sick in the hospital but had often panicked, pulled out the IV, taken the tubes out of her nose and ran away. They'd find her hiding in a corner. It drove the nurses crazy. Eventually, they tied her to the bed. 'Was this what she was seeing?', Dorinda wondered. 'If we had known, could we have done anything different?'. She must have drifted off to sleep. When she awoke, her friend Tamara was there. "Hey, when did you get here?", Dorinda whispered. Her throat ...