Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Merry Christmas :) I hope you're enjoying this holiday. I haven't written a Christmas story yet. Maybe I'll do that someday. But if you'd like to read something during the quiet hours of the holiday I recommend trying one of these (if you haven't done so already none of them are new) I wanted to share links where to buy them but many sites have download restrictions based on location of the buyer so you'd best look for these at your own favourite online book-store: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens . The classic tale of the cold hearted Ebenezer Scrooge who gets visited by ghosts on Christmas eve gets remade into new films on a regular basis but it's also available to read online for free here at project Gutenberg. If you're in the mood for a more light hearted fantasy/romance then The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen might be your thing. Though the plot may not be very surprising it is an easy read that won...