Dimelda and Rita

Dimelda & Rita When Dimelda got her new assignment she was excited. Taking care of a godchild had long been her ambition. Like so many others she had imagined herself successfully mentoring the next Cinderella. Possibly with a little less bloodshed. Provoking the stepsisters into cutting off their heels and toes had not gone down well with the board of Angels. Though she had improved Cinderella’s life, it had not brought that fairy the immediate promotion she had hoped for. Dimelda took her example as a warning. Angels and fairies did not see eye to eye on bloodshed and it was the Angels who decided on advancements. So it was that Dimelda set out full of hope and ideals to meet her god- daughter. Unfortunately she had been matched with Rita. Rita was no oppressed young lady. She, like Dimelda, was ambitious and argumentative. It annoyed Dimelda as she could just imagine the board laughing at their little joke. Well if this was how the Angels were going to pla...