Brigitta: part I

Brigitta: part 1 It was still dark outside but Brigitta stared at the window anyway. She painted the black rectangle with her own imaginings. A swirl of colours flecked with tiny specks of gold. She wondered if she could put it on paper when she got home. “Are you trying to bewitch the window Brigitta?” She jumped up in her chair and turned to see the teacher’s yellow eyes fixed on her. “I’m just asking because if you are trying to put a spell on the glass you’re going to need a lot more snow.” In his icy blue face framed with wavy silver hair, the eyes seemed like two searchlights. “I tried to do the spell but nothing happens. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…” She said in a small voice. “I know it’s hard for you Brigitta but if you keep drifting off like that it’s never going to work is it?” Her shoulders sagged. A lilac flush crept into her powder blue face as she tried to hide behind her sleek white hair. “Look, snow is a lot of tiny ice, so you find the ice and draw the p...