Fall Getaway part 1

Fall Getaway part 1 Alicia was humming a tune as she finished decorating the reception with dried flower bouquets. Tomorrow hundreds of guests would be arriving from Corridor station. Most of them would be natives of the space station that hovered halfway along their star system. Alicia went to the veranda at the back of the cabin. She sat down in one of the rocking chairs. The air was getting chilly and she hugged a flower printed cushion for warmth. The reception cabin was surrounded by a forest ablaze with fall colours. Just as she was making herself comfortable, her spacecom chirped. She had left it somewhere inside. Alicia got up with a sigh to find the device. “Alicia, it’s me Nola, am I interrupting?” “Nola, hi! No, you’re not, I’ve got everything under control. What’s the matter?” “I was wondering if you have room for a few last minute guests? I know it’s late but a ship of Independents docked a couple of days ago and now five of them want to visit the planet...