“Just... because”

Just because When I was young we used to have swimming lessons with the entire class. Once a week all children between the ages of eight and ten would be loaded onto a bus and taken to the sports funds swimming pool. Till this day, I don't know what brought on the events of that particular morning. I got on the bus with my swim gear; talked with a few of my classmates; muddled through the exercises. Nothing out of the ordinary. After lessons, we were allowed to goof around in the water for ten or fifteen minutes. Suddenly one of the boys grabbed my head and shoved me under water. I quickly shut my mouth. It felt like I was about to burst. I flailed with all my limbs trying to understand what was going on. I could see his pale torso and legs in front of me. Try as I might, I couldn't get to the surface. He kept pushing me down. Panic seized me once I realised he wasn't letting me go. I clawed at his back with my long fingernails. I'm not...