
Posts uit augustus, 2013 tonen

What if... #2

What if... #2 What if someone named you the Protector of the Universe even though you'd never even left your own planet? Peter was an upfront sort of guy. So when this happened to him, he blinked at the galactic minister and said: “But I've never even been away from my own planet, surely there must be some mistake?” The galactic minister smiled a big pasty smile at Peter and said: “No mistake Peter, we've done our homework. You have no personal enemies, your planet hasn't been involved in a war for decades and your political region doesn't have any sort of crisis that could lead to blackmail. You are the person we need for this job.” “I understand you're concerned about doing things right but there's really nothing to worry about. The Protector of the Universe is more of a ceremonial title you see. Most of the time you'll be cutting ribbons to open new cultural buildings and such. Once people hear there's a new Protector...

Er was eens...

Er was eens... Er was eens een jonge man. Zijn naam was Lucas. Lucas droomde van een avontuurlijk leven. Vechten met draken of rondvliegen in raketten, dat leek hem wel wat. Zijn echte leven vond hij saai. Iedere ochtend werd hij om zes voor zeven gewekt door zijn bediende. Om zeven uur kwam zijn kamerheer melden dat het bad klaar was. Lucas waste zichzelf. Uit principe had hij jaren geleden de sponsmeisjes weggestuurd. Kwart over zeven stond de kleermaker klaar met een rek vol nieuwe kleren. Lucas moest elke dag drie outfits kiezen. Behalve op feestdagen, dan had hij er minstens vijf nodig. Nee zijn leven was niet avontuurlijk. Eten, studeren, een gesprek met zijn vader en een wandeling met zijn moeder; alles was vastgelegd in een schema. Dat schema werd nauw nageleefd door nerveuze bedienden die vreesden voor de consequenties van zelfs maar een minuut vertraging. Als kleine jongen had hij het fijn gevonden om altijd te weten wat er ging gebeuren. Maar de ...

What if... # 1

What if... #1 What if one day you opened the door of your house and stepped out into a different world? It happened to Fiona. She wasn't expecting it to happen. Had never even wished for it. Yet there it was. She wasn't sure what to do about it. Luckily she had held on to the door. She could still go back inside if she wanted.  She just wondered if the school bus might not be leaving her behind somewhere in her own world. There was no way to check really. After standing around for five minutes with the doorknob in her hand, she decided to go back inside and wait.  At that moment, her mum came down the stairs, all ready to go to work. She was surprised to see Fiona in the hallway. Of course she would ask why she hadn't gone to the bus. Fiona didn't know what to say. “Well Fiona don't just stand there and stare at me. Why aren't you outside catching your bus?”, mum said. And that gave Fiona the inspiration she needed: “I can't go by myself, there...