The Theft

The Theft Sweat was beading down her face and trickling along her spine beneath the pressing weight of her backpack. The camera bag she had slung across her shoulder rested in her lap. The nylon tickled her arm until she dropped her hand along her side. She was trying to stay alert but the heat was getting to her. Drowsiness overtook her and as the M-line drove into a tunnel her eyes fell shut of their own accord. She awoke with a start at the announcer’s voice. The doors were sliding shut. Quickly she brushed her dark curls aside and looked out the window to see which station they were passing. The sign read Köttbusser Tor. With a sigh of relief she sat up straight. She twisted in her seat to get a drink from her backpack, her movements unhindered. She was reaching out to the water bottle in the side pocket when a black nylon strap slid off her shoulder and fell to the ground. She froze in horror as she slowly realized what had happened. There had been a young m...