Imagine: being lost

Imagine: being lost The sun shone warm upon his face as he lay on the grass. From a distance he could hear singing and laughing. A frown formed on his brow. He would need to open his eyes soon. He didn’t want to. Whenever he did, it seemed like he fell through the cracks of the world and into some other place where he didn’t belong. Leo opened his eyes and reality shifted. He found himself standing in a cobbled alley. The sky was grey and all he heard was noise. Not knowing where to go, he just walked straight ahead. The alley gave onto a road filled with people. Looking around he turned left on a whim. It had been like this for days now. Maybe longer, he wasn’t sure. Leo couldn’t remember how he’d gotten here. He felt it to be a big city though he had no way of knowing. The oncoming stream of shoppers pushed him to the right hand side of the road. He walked on staring at the iron railing with signs indicating restaurants by the water below. He could see them on the wh...