Imagine: the crime of silence

Imagine: The Crime Of Silence Ellen combed her hair in silence. It was a habit for which she had been punished often. Yet she refused to do otherwise. She had no problem with combing her hair per sé. Nor did she mind sitting on a rock to do so. But she could not bring herself to sing. As a little girl she had gone to choir lessons along with all the others. Her mother had taken her to the lagoon of the clear blue waters. There had been at least twenty girls in the group of four and five-year-olds. Mistress Bubble stood at the front and explained that in a few weeks they would be singing on the beach. Ellen had felt daunted at the idea. But kind faced mistress Bubble with her soft yellow hair and blue eyes had assured her she'd be allright. And she was. She liked singing in the choir both in the sea and on the beach. When she was seven her parents had arranged for her to get private lessons with Madame Whirl. It was common for girls to have both c...