Imagine: tracking

Imagine: tracking Sara listened intently to the sounds of her prey. She had come to the right place. The first few weeks she had been bewildered trying to keep up with the herd. But after following them around for some time, she began to see the pattern. She had guessed where they would go to next. It was hard to keep still. She'd wanted to do a little jig when she realised her guess had been right. But it wouldn't do to let them get away now. The herd was not complete yet. A few stragglers were still passing Sara's hiding place. She had to stay hidden. She couldn't see the one she would be aiming for. It made her nervous. She'd tried to make the butterflies in her stomach go away, this wasn't helping. Finally the last of them passed. She allowed the sound of footfalls to recede. Sara popped her head round the corner to see how the herd had spread. She marked her target's location and retreated into her hiding place. She closed her eyes to im...