What if... #5

What if... #5 What if bananas refused to grow? Pedro was staring intently at the trees. He didn't see Ignacio approaching. 'Well?' Ignacio said. Pedro jumped and turned around to face the owner of the orchard with a dark look in his eyes. 'They are not bearing fruit, but this isn't Black Sigatoka and it doesn't look like TR4 disease either.' Ignacio scratched his head and sighed. 'Spread the guano anyway. I'm going to talk to Enrique. Maybe the cooperative knows something.' Ignacio got in his old jeep and headed to the office that served as headquarters for the cooperative. Almost four hundred family farms were united in the cooperative known as AsociaciĆ³n Mis Guineos . A few years ago Ignacio had made the switch to organic cultivation. Now he was starting to wonder if it had been a mistake to abandon the heavy pesticides. When he reached the office a crowd had already formed. Farmers were coming in, with the sam...